Saturday, December 30, 2006

Durango Dispatch USFS Info

A source passed along this link to the Durango Dispatch Center firefighting information packet. These PDF files occasionally show up on line sometimes, but then they can dissapear just as quickly:

The Durango Dispatch Center (DRC) is an interagency dispatch center responsible for incidents and resource mobilization coordination for the San Juan Public Lands (San Juan NF - USFS and San Juan Field Office -BLM), Ute Mountain Ute Reservation, Southern Ute Reservation, Mesa Verde National Park, Southwest Colorado counties, and Colorado State Forest Service.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Federal Air Marshals Communications

Recent posts on the AirCommSouthwest Yahoo group were concerning the Federal Air Marshals Service and an incident involving an Air Marshal on a recent flight. After the incident, in which a passenger was subdued by an Air Marshal, the FAM requested the pilot call in a report of what happened. The pilot was heard on an ARINC VHF air-to-ground frequency calling in the incident. Some wondered about what the Air Marshals have to communicate with while on duty.

Although there have been reports of some type of satellite or world-wide communications system, the Federal Air Marshals most likely just have cell phones. One list member posted a link to this document that mentioned the TSA and Federal Air Marshals Service using satellite communications:

However, further searches on the subject of the Air Marshals Service and satellite communications reveals this story:

It seems that if they have a satellite communications system, it doesn't work as advertised.

I also received some anonymous information regarding the Federal Air Marshals and a UHF radio system that was installed for the New York Field Office:

F1 408.050 (418.050, input)

F2 418.075

F3 418.575

F4 418.400

It's not known if these are used nationwide or only in the NYC area.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Coast Guard MSST Activity

I recently received some loggings of some USCG MSST activity in the Southeast US...

From an anonymous source:

"Within the last year, I have had two opportunities to monitor what I believe is MSST 91108 (King's Bay). They have done security zone operations on the Savannah River at Georgia Ports in both March and December. On both occasions they have used 25' RB-S Defender Class boats using 2548# hull numbers. I can only make an educated guess that they are from King's Bay, but they are certainly an MSST, as they were addressed as such by the civilian police boats working on the river. They operated on 157.050, Ch. 21 with guard through Sector Charleston rather than Station Tybee. They ID'd variously by hull number, THUNDER ### (last 3 digits of hull number), and VENOM ### (last 3 digits of hull number). They used 157.075, Ch. 81 and 157.175, Ch. 83 for internal / boat-to-boat communications. They used hull number / THUNDER/VENOM callsigns here as well as COYOTE, SUNCOAST, and VOODOO (these last 3 I think may have been coxswain or crew related and not boat-assigned)."

Thanks to my anonymous source for passing that information along...

For those not familiar with the Marine Safety and Security Teams, you can read more about them here: