I recently had a nice email from a Fed Files reader who was interested in finding the US Postal Inspectors active frequencies. As we have noted here, the Postal Inspectors are in the process of changing around some of their frequencies and upgrading to P-25 digital radios. Some cities are still analog with DES encryption, others have moved to P-25 digital and some have both!
I thought I would compile what I currently had logged and share them. If anyone has some additional info, please feel free to pass it along!
Atlanta - 407.7250, P-25
Boston - 407.7750, 409.9375, 414.7500
Chicago - 406.3375, 414.7500, 415.0500
Cleveland - 409.9375, 414.7500
Dallas - 414.7500, 417.6000
Houston - 407.1375, 407.7250, 414.7500
Little Rock - 406.9625 (Not Confirmed Yet)
Los Angeles - 415.0500
Memphis - 407.1375, 407.7750
Miami - 407.7750
Minneapolis - 407.7250, 407.7750
NYC - 414.7500, 415.0500, 416.2250 + UHF trunked system on Manhattan
Newark - 407.7250
Oklahoma City - 417.7000
Orlando - 406.3375
Philadelphia - 406.8125, 409.3250, 409.9375
Pittsburgh - 406.3375, 407.1375, 407.7250, 407.7750, 415.0500
Portland - 407.1375, 407.7750, 415.0500 - P25
San Jose, CA - 413.6000, 414.1500, 414.7500, 415.0500
Tampa - 407.1375, 415.0500
Washington DC - 407.7750
In most cases, the 406 through 409 MHz repeaters are P-25 digital and the inputs to those repeaters should be +9 MHz. The 414 and 415 MHz repeaters are still analog, most with DES or AES encryption. In areas that have moved to new 406 or 407 MHz P-25 repeaters, keep listening to the 414.7500 and 415.0500 frequencies, as they can still show up as simplex surveillance channels!
UPDATE - Several Fed Files fans have provided some updates to the list I posted. Thanks for all the information! I will continue to update this blog entry as more information is received!